Open your diamond dragon heart

"I am Sophia, the mother of all mothers. The very source of all creation. I am the life force that moves and lives within everything and everyone.I AM within you and all around you. You and I are one. You are me and I am you. We are one.I invite you to enter into my ashram, a field of love. A void of nothing yet everything. As you enter into this void, my womb, the place of all creations, you will remember who…

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Sophia – You and I are one

"Cry a thousand tears. I am in every tear.Kiss a thousand kisses. I am in every kiss.Laugh a thousand times. I am in every Laugh.Dance a thousand dances. I am in every movement.Breathe a thousand breaths. I am in every breath.Hug a thousand people I am in every hug.Smile a thousands of smiles I am in every smile.If you are the one who cries, laughs, dances, smiles, kisses, hugs and breathes you and I must be one" Sophia. ThroughSavannah Moon

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Sophia – White dove healing

SOPHIA - remember who you are - White dove healing  "Beloved human beings I offer you to step into my field of light and remember who you truly are. Are you willing to unlearn everything you have learned and remember yourself as a being of love ? See this is the most sacred yet challenging task for a human being. To unlearn the conditioned believes about yourself. As you enter into my field of love an activation deep inside your soul, your cells and your DNA…

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Pleiadian High Council -You grow through Pain

A beautiful message from the pleiadian Council. “Greetings beloveds we are the pleiadian high council of seven. We want to bring you a message about your beautiful, beautiful heart and the way it functions in the ascension proces. It is for those of you who walk the path of love and are incarnated light beings on Earth right now.When you incarnated you made a choice and a special commitment. And that choice was to walk the path of love on Earth, and therefore you are…

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Isis – Blue Lotus Healing

"I am Isis your divine mother. I give to thee my Blue Lotus, the fragrance of love and light, the very key of life. Listen to my words as I gently whisper through the loop of the ankh into your ears. Feel the vibrations of my words and let them fill up you entire energy system. These words of light carry with them the highest vibrations of love and they hold the power to transmute any blockage you may carry in your body,…

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Sophia – know yourself as love

"Beloved one, as a Rose Child your destiny always has been and always will be to return to love- the source within. This journey home can be a long, and from a human perspective, challenging one.Because to know yourself as love is like peeling layers of an onion until you get into the core. The very center of yourself. All the surrounding layers are the parts of you which you have believed yourself to be- the false self, the personal self.Within these layers…

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En ny og bedre verden

Vi står lige nu midt i et gigantisk skifte på Jorden og hele menneskeheden. Vi bliver mere end nogensinde før tvunget til at se os selv og hinanden i øjnene og stille spørgsmålstegn ved måden, vi lever på, måden vi er over for os selv og hinanden på, og måden vi har bygget vores samfundsmæssige strukturer og systemer på. Er de baseret på kærlighed eller frygt? Gavner de os eller holder de os nede? Er de sociale normer og de samfundsskabte regler og…

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Lad sjælen lede dig til lykke

Det, der meget ofte afholder os fra at opleve ægte indre lykke og være i fred med os selv og vores liv, er egoets evindelige søgen efter lykken uden for os selv. Det er tankerne om alt det, vi ønsker at opnå i fremtiden, der får os til at glemme, at vi allerede er og har alt, det vi kunne ønske os. Vi tror fejlagtigt, at når først, vi får det rigtige job, den rigtige partner, det rigtige hus og flere penge, så…

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Det er nu, du for alvor kan heale dig selv

Det er nu, du kan heale sig selvMen det kræver, at du tør kigge indad i stedet for udad. Lige præcis den tid vi er i nu, hvor mange mennesker er tvunget til at blive hjemme og hverdagen på mange måder er forandret, har du en helt fantastisk mulighed for at få kigget på dine skyggesider, dine gamle sår og traumer og heale dem. De fleste mennesker tager sig sjældent tid til at stoppe op og mærke sig selv. I en travl hverdag…

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Jesua – åben dit hjerte for kærligheden

❤️Open your heart to love ❤️Message from JesuaChanneled by Savannah “Dearest children of the light. I am Jesua and I hold the deepest love for all of you in my heart. My request for all of you is to open you beautiful hearts and let the eternal, unconditional love flow from within and into the hearts of every other human being you meet on your way. Only love will set you free. Only love will reunite humanity in one collective heart and let in…

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